after you run start-mfa -id or start-mfa -id -fullcrawl
(Export-MailboxDiagnosticLogs -Identity [email protected] -ExtendedProperties).mailboxlog | Select-Xml -XPath “//MailboxTable/*” | select -ExpandProperty Node | ? {$ -like “ELC*”}
Name Value
—- —–
ElcAssistantLock 0
ElcLastRunTotalProcessingTime 11941792
ElcLastRunSubAssistantProcessingTime 11941298
ElcLastRunUpdatedFolderCount 14
ElcLastRunTaggedFolderCount 0
ElcLastRunUpdatedItemCount 137560
ElcLastRunTaggedWithArchiveItemCount 137559
ElcLastRunTaggedWithExpiryItemCount 1
ElcLastRunDeletedFromRootItemCount 0
ElcLastRunDeletedFromDumpsterItemCount 0
ElcLastRunArchivedFromRootItemCount 1999
ElcLastRunArchivedFromDumpsterItemCount 0
ELCLastSuccessTimestamp 5/25/2022 8:55:43 PM
ElcLastRunSkippedNoTagItemCount 0
ElcLastRunSkippedWithTagItemCount 0
ElcLastRunSkippedNotExcludedItemCount 0
ElcFaiSaveStatus SaveSucceeded
ElcFaiDeleteStatus DeleteNotAttempted
when you see the ELCLastSuccessTimestamp value change to today’s date, of when you ran start-MFA, you will know the full crawl completed. both of those have timestamps from yesterday and the day before as the last successful execution