Syntax to use the script:
.\CollectCLSLogs -Pools -ScenarioName "MSFT" -LogFolder D:\Logs
$FEPoolFQDN = $Pools
$FEScenarioName = $ScenarioName
if ( !($(Get-CsClsScenario -Identity "Global/$($FEScenarioName)" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) -ne $null) )
Write-Host "Creating Scenario: Global/$($FEScenarioName)"
#Remove-CsClsScenario -Identity "Global/$($FEScenarioName)"
Start-Sleep 5
$FEComponents = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$FEComponents.Add( $(New-CsClsProvider -Name "SIPStack" -Type "WPP" -Level "Debug" -Flags "All") ) | Out-Null
$FEComponents.Add( $(New-CsClsProvider -Name "S4" -Type "WPP" -Level "Debug" -Flags "All") ) | Out-Null
$FEComponents.Add( $(New-CsClsProvider -Name "ASMCU" -Type "WPP" -Level "Debug" -Flags "All") ) | Out-Null
$FEComponents.Add( $(New-CsClsProvider -Name "AVMCU" -Type "WPP" -Level "Debug" -Flags "All") ) | Out-Null
$FEComponents.Add( $(New-CsClsProvider -Name "MCUInfra" -Type "WPP" -Level "Debug" -Flags "All") ) | Out-Null
$FEComponents.Add( $(New-CsClsProvider -Name "MCUFactory" -Type "WPP" -Level "Debug" -Flags "All") ) | Out-Null
$FEComponents.Add( $(New-CsClsProvider -Name "udcagent" -Type "WPP" -Level "Verbose" -Flags "All") ) | Out-Null
$FEComponents.Add( $(New-CsClsProvider -Name "ABCommon" -Type "WPP" -Level "Debug" -Flags "All") ) | Out-Null
$FEComponents.Add( $(New-CsClsProvider -Name "ABServer" -Type "WPP" -Level "Debug" -Flags "All") ) | Out-Null
$FEComponents.Add( $(New-CsClsProvider -Name "ABServerIISModule" -Type "WPP" -Level "Debug" -Flags "All") ) | Out-Null
$FEComponents.Add( $(New-CsClsProvider -Name "WebInfrastructure" -Type "WPP" -Level "Debug" -Flags "All") ) | Out-Null
$FEComponents.Add( $(New-CsClsProvider -Name "ADConnect" -Type "WPP" -Level "Debug" -Flags "All") ) | Out-Null
$FEComponents.Add( $(New-CsClsProvider -Name "RGSClientLib" -Type "WPP" -Level "Debug" -Flags "All") ) | Out-Null
$FEComponents.Add( $(New-CsClsProvider -Name "RgsCommonLibrary" -Type "WPP" -Level "Debug" -Flags "All") ) | Out-Null
$FEComponents.Add( $(New-CsClsProvider -Name "RgsDatastores" -Type "WPP" -Level "Debug" -Flags "All") ) | Out-Null
$FEComponents.Add( $(New-CsClsProvider -Name "RgsDeploymentApi" -Type "WPP" -Level "Debug" -Flags "ALL") ) | Out-Null
$FEComponents.Add( $(New-CsClsProvider -Name "RgsDeploymentLibrary" -Type "WPP" -Level "Debug" -Flags "ALL") ) | Out-Null
$FEComponents.Add( $(New-CsClsProvider -Name "RgsDiagnostics" -Type "WPP" -Level "Debug" -Flags "All") ) | Out-Null
$FEComponents.Add( $(New-CsClsProvider -Name "RgsHostingFramework" -Type "WPP" -Level "Debug" -Flags "ALL") ) | Out-Null
$FEComponents.Add( $(New-CsClsProvider -Name "RgsMatchMakingService" -Type "WPP" -Level "Debug" -Flags "All") ) | Out-Null
$FEComponents.Add( $(New-CsClsProvider -Name "RgsDBSyncAgent" -Type "WPP" -Level "Debug" -Flags "ALL") ) | Out-Null
$FEComponents.Add( $(New-CsClsProvider -Name "Sipstack" -Type "WPP" -Level "Verbose" -Flags "All") ) | Out-Null
$FEComponents.Add( $(New-CsClsProvider -Name "S4" -Type "WPP" -Level "Verbose" -Flags "ALL") ) | Out-Null
New-CsClsScenario -Identity "global/$($FEScenarioName)" -Provider @{Add=$FEComponents}
else {Write-Host "Scenario exists: Global/$($FEScenarioName)" }
function WaitforCMSReplication ($Pool, $TimeOut)
$sw = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
$i = 0;
$Replicas = $(Get-CsPool $Pool).Computers | % { Get-CsManagementStoreReplicationStatus -ReplicaFqdn $_}
$RepStatus = "True"
foreach ($Server in $Replicas)
if ($Server.UptoDate -match "False")
$RepStatus = "False"
if ($i -lt 1) { Write-Host "Waiting for CMS Replication $($Pool)" -NoNewline}
Write-Host "." -NoNewline
if($RepStatus -match "True" )
Write-Host "Done!"
#exit $True
if ($sw.Elapsed.Seconds -gt $Timeout)
Write-Host "`nReplication Timeout."
#Write-Error "Replication Timeout $Timeout seconds" -Category OperationTimeout
#exit $False
return 1
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
WaitforCMSReplication $FEPoolFQDN 200
Start-Sleep 10
#Start the logging
$StartTime = Get-Date
Start-CsClsLogging –Scenario "$($FEScenarioName)" –Pools $FEPoolFQDN -Duration 0.00:30 #[ for 30 minutes]
#Get-CsClsScenario "Global/$($FEScenarioName)"
Write-Host "`nLogging is started. Reproduce the issue now." -ForegroundColor Green
# 5. Stop the logging
$key = Read-Host "Press 'Y' to Stop Logging "
if ($key -notmatch 'Y') {Write-Host " "}
Write-Host "`nStopping Logging" -ForegroundColor Green
Stop-CsClsLogging –Scenario $FEScenarioName –Pools $FEPoolFQDN
Sync-CsClslogging -Pools $FEPoolFQDN
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
$StopTime = Get-Date
$TotalMin = ($($StopTime - $StartTime).TotalSeconds)/60
if ( ($TotalMin -gt 0) -and ($TotalMin -lt 1) ) {$TotalMin = 1}
[int]$TotalMin = $TotalMin
Write-Host "`nLogging Start Time : $($StartTime.ToString("hh:mm:ss-tt")) `nLogging Stop Time : $($StopTime.ToString("hh:mm:ss-tt"))" -ForegroundColor Green
Search-CsCLSLogging -Pools $FEPoolFQDN -StartTime (Get-Date).AddMinutes(-$TotalMin).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt") -EndTime (Get-Date).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt") -OutputFilePath "$($LogFolder)\FEPoolCLS-$(($StopTime).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm-ss-tt")).txt"
Write-Host "`nLog files created :" -ForegroundColor Cyan
if ( Test-Path ("$($LogFolder)\FEPoolCLS-$(($StopTime).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm-ss-tt")).txt") )